George Nicola, MD

Profile Image of George  Nicola, MD

Specialty - Orthopedics

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Address - 206 E. Elm St. Caldwell, ID 83605

Phone - (208) 459-4511

Fax - (208) 459-6602

Physician Biography

Dr. Nicola is Idaho’s premier knee specialist, offering the best surgical and non-surgical treatment for chronic knee pain.

Dr. Nicola specializes in young adult sports injuries, but treats active patients in all age groups. He specializes in an array of techniques from rehab to reconstruction due to sports injuries, joint preservation techniques to maintain activity levels in younger arthritic individuals, to quad sparing knee joint replacements.

His Rapid Recovery program for outpatient total knee resurfacing/replacement and his new minimally invasive Subchondroplasty procedure help separate Dr. Nicola from other knee specialists. He is an expert in computerized navigation for knee surgeries.

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The Surgical Center of TVH is an Ambulatory Surgery Center designed to be efficient and provide high-quality health care at the best possible price. We believe our patients deserve to know about how much their procedure will cost. This philosophy allows patients to plan for their health care costs. The SC-TVH Cost Calculator is just another way of caring for patients even before their treatment.

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