Michael Daines, MD

Profile Image of Michael Daines, MD

Specialty - Orthopedics

Website - westidahoorthopedics.com

Address - 3875 E. Overland Rd. Meridian, ID 83642

Phone - (208) 895-0888

Fax - (208) 459-6602

Physician Biography

Dr. Daines is board certified and a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons. He is fellowship trained in shoulder surgery and specializes in minimally invasive shoulder surgery. He is skilled in the operative and non operative management of all shoulder conditions including rotator cuff repair, shoulder instability, shoulder replacement and trauma. Dr. Daines also has special interest in all inside arthroscopic rotator cuff repair using a knotless technique, which allows for more rapid rehab and less scarring.

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The Surgical Center of TVH is an Ambulatory Surgery Center designed to be efficient and provide high-quality health care at the best possible price. We believe our patients deserve to know about how much their procedure will cost. This philosophy allows patients to plan for their health care costs. The SC-TVH Cost Calculator is just another way of caring for patients even before their treatment.

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